Oh dear.
From the MORE TH>N website:
"We have created MORE TH>N Green Wheels Insurance to give our customers the opportunity to take responsibility for their carbon 'tyre-print'. It helps people to understand how their driving style affects the environment by giving them access to information such as their rate of acceleration and braking, the number of short car journeys they take and how long they leave their car idling.
This exciting new eco friendly car insurance product is part of our commitment to the Together campaign which believes that, by offering customers positive environmental choices, large companies can make a real difference in the fight against climate change - you can find out more at www.together.com."Sanctimonious greenwash bollocks. Anyone concerned about fuel consumption will already know that 'changing into the highest gear as soon as you can', 'driving slowly', and 'not leaving the car idling' saves fuel.
Anyone not so positioned really doesn't care.
However, to get really sniffy, as a marketing 'idea', it is about five years behind the curve. My guess is that someone at Royal & SunAlliance had a box of gizmos they had no use for.
Give-stuff-you-don't-need-away: now
that's green.